.NET collections performance

Collection Ordering Contiguous Storage? Direct Access? Lookup Efficiency Manipulate Efficiency Based On
Dictionary Unordered Yes Via Key Key: O(1) O(1) hash table
SortedDictionary Sorted No Via Key Key: O(log n) O(log n) binary search tree
SortedList Sorted Yes Via Key Key: O(log n) O(n) array
List User has precise control over element ordering Yes Via Index Index: O(1) Value: O(n) O(n) dynamic array
LinkedList User has precise control over element ordering No No Value: O(n) O(1) doubly-linked circular list
HashSet Unordered Yes Via Key Key: O(1) O(1) Hash table?
SortedSet Sorted No Via Key Key: O(log n) O(log n) BT
Stack LIFO Yes Only Top Top: O(1) O(1)* array
Queue FIFO Yes Only Front Front: O(1) O(1) Array?

From http://geekswithblogs.net/BlackRabbitCoder/archive/2011/06/16/c.net-fundamentals-choosing-the-right-collection-class.aspx

Dictionary<TKey, TValue>

  • Best for high performance lookups.
  • Fastest class for associative lookups/inserts/deletes because it uses a hash table under the covers
  • Because the keys are hashed, the key type should correctly implement GetHashCode() and Equals() appropriately or you should provide an external IEqualityComparer to the dictionary on construction
  • The insert/delete/lookup time of items in the dictionary is amortized constant time - O(1) - which means no matter how big the dictionary gets, the time it takes to find something remains relatively constant.
  • The only downside is that the dictionary, by nature of using a hash table, is unordered, so you cannot easily traverse the items in a Dictionary in order.



  • Very similar to SortedDictionary, except tree is implemented in an array, so has faster lookup on preloaded data, but slower loads.
  • insertions and deletions are linear - O(n) - because deleting or adding an item may involve shifting all items up or down in the list.
  • use when insertions and deletions are rare


  • Vector, dynamic array
  • Essentially it is an contiguous array of items that grow once its current capacity is exceeded
  • Best for smaller lists where direct access required and no sorting.
  • inserting and removing in the beginning or middle of the List are very costly because you must shift all the items up or down as you delete or insert respectively
  • adding and removing at the end of a List is an amortized constant operation - O(1)
  • prefer array only when you know size fixed


  • Best for lists where inserting/deleting in middle is common and no direct access required.
  • basic implementation of a doubly-linked circular list.
  • use when a lot of adding and removing (over list), no indexer
  • http://referencesource.microsoft.com/#System/compmod/system/collections/generic/linkedlist.cs,df5a6c7b6b60da4f
  • is a general-purpose linked list. It supports enumerators and implements the ICollection interface, consistent with other collection classes in the .NET Framework.
  • LinkedList<T> provides separate nodes of type LinkedListNode<T>, so insertion and removal are O(1) operations. You can remove nodes and reinsert them, either in the same list or in another list, which results in no additional objects allocated on the heap. Because the list also maintains an internal count, getting the Count property is an O(1) operation.
  • Because the LinkedList<T> is doubly linked, each node points forward to the Next node and backward to the Previous node.
  • Lists that contain reference types perform better when a node and its value are created at the same time. LinkedList accepts null as a valid `Value` property for reference types and allows duplicate values.
  • If the LinkedList is empty, the `First` and `Last` properties contain null.
  • The LinkedList class does not support chaining, splitting, cycles, or other features that can leave the list in an inconsistent state.
  • The list remains consistent on a single thread. The only multithreaded scenario supported by LinkedList is multithreaded read operations.


  • unordered collection of unique items, no duplicates
  • useful for super-quick lookups where order is not important
  • Unique unordered collection, like a Dictionary except key and value are same object.
  • the type T should have a valid implementation of GetHashCode() and Equals(), or you should provide an appropriate IEqualityComparer<T> to the HashSet on construction.
  • has int[] m_buckets and Slot[] m_slots, an array-based implementation similar to Dictionary<T>, using a buckets array to map hash values to the Slots array. Items in the Slots array that hash to the same value are chained together through the “next” indices.

    From http://referencesource.microsoft.com/#System.Core/System/Collections/Generic/HashSet.cs,d0822f25708256c5


  • is to HashSet what the SortedDictionary<TKey,TValue> is to Dictionary<TKey,TValue>.
  • Unique sorted collection, like SortedDictionary except key and value are same object.
  • type T must implement IComparable or you need to supply an external IComparer.


  • Essentially same as List except only process as LIFO
