Entity Framework


  • Generate migration from Package Manager Console

      Add-Migration -Name "MigrationName" -OutputDir "Migrations" -Project EFProj
      Update-Database -Migration "MigrationName" -Project EFProj
      Remove-Migration -Force -Project EFProj
  • multiple column index with OnModelCreating

      class SomeEntityContext : DbContext {
          protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) {
                      .HasIndex(u => new { u.Id1, u.Id2, u.SomeReference})
  • multiple column index by adding a separate migration
      public partial class OrderTableBrandIdMerchantIdOrderReferenceUniqueIndexAdded : Migration {
              protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) {
                      name: "IX",
                      table: "SomeTable",
                      columns: new[] { "Id1", "Id2", "SomeReference" },
                      unique: true);
              protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) {
                      name: "IX",
                      table: "SomeTable");
  • A Model Snapshot is the current state of the model stored in a class file named {YourContext}ModelSnapshot.cs

      partial class ShippingEntityContextModelSnapshot : ModelSnapshot {
          protected override void BuildModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) {
              modelBuilder.Entity("EFProj.Models.BusinessEntities.Order", b => {
                  b.HasIndex("Id1", "Id2", "SomeReference").IsUnique();