- info
db.version(); db.stats(); db.collection.stats(); db.collection.storageSize()
- Select where field type is string
- Update ALL records with field
db.collection.update( { field: "old value" }, { $set: { field: "new value" } }, {upsert: 0, multi: 1} )
- update schema rename column
db.fs.files.update({}, {$rename: {'metadata.Height': 'metadata.height'}}, {multi:true}); db.fs.files.update({}, {$rename: {'metadata.Width': 'metadata.width'}}, {multi:true});
- Check field exists
db.fs.files.find ({ "metadata": {$exists: true} }) db.fs.files.count({ "metadata.creationTimeUtc": {$exists: false}}) db.fs.files.count({ "metadata.Width": {$exists: true}, "metadata.Height": {$exists: true}})
- capped collection with a tailable cursor
db.createCollection("log", {capped:true, size:100000, max:5000}) /* { "ok" : 1 } */ db.log.isCapped() /* true */
MongoDb C# driver
enumeration. MongoDb C# driver wire protocolQueryMessage.TailableCursor
Gets a value indicating whether the server should await data (used with tailable cursors). - bulk insert
var bulk = db.items.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); bulk.insert( { item: "abc123", defaultQty: 100, status: "A", points: 100 } ); bulk.insert( { item: "ijk123", defaultQty: 200, status: "A", points: 200 } ); bulk.insert( { item: "mop123", defaultQty: 0, status: "P", points: 0 } ); bulk.execute();
- rename database OldDb to DbNew
db.copyDatabase("OldDb","DbNew","localhost") use OldDb db.dropDatabase();
- db.collection.insertMany() new in 3.2
- removal
db.fs.files.remove(); db.getCollection('fs.chunks').remove();
- Most recently updated / modified
db.fs.files.find({filename :/.*.PNG.*/ }).sort({uploadDate:-1}); db.fs.files.find({filename :/.*.JPG.*/ }).sort({"metadata.lastWriteTimeUtc":-1})
- and caused me pain
db.fs.files.count(); db.fs.files.find({length :{"$gt": 0} }).sort({length:-1}); db.fs.files.find({ uploadDate :{"$lt": ISODate("2015-12-15T00:00:00.000Z")} },{"_id":0,"filename":1, uploadDate:1}).sort({uploadDate:-1}).pretty() db.fs.files.distinct( "filename")
- group by h x w, push filenames, count filenames in each group
db.fs.files.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: { "w":"$metadata.width", "h":"$metadata.height" }, files: { $push: "$filename" }, no: { $sum: 1 } } } ]) ``````````
- old c# api v1
- upload files 2.2, 2.4
- Download files
- Find files
- Delete and rename
mongoexport docs, in pairs, export-import, dump-restore connect to powershell ps d:\mongodb\server\3.0\bin>
.\mongoexport -d imagesDB -c fs.files -o .\mongoexport -d imagesDB -c fs.chunks -o
Message: connected to: localhost; exported 115 records
mongoimport.exe –db ImageCache10111145 –collection fs.files –file mongoimport.exe –db ImageCache10111145 –collection fs.chunks –file
- driver releases
- update
- old driver cheat sheet
- Query by a Field in an Embedded Document
- distinct array subdocuments SO, api
- Using a Tailable Cursor
- Configure GridFS Chunksize in MongoDB, todo update
- Mongo DB support for Hangfire sources
- Building MongoDB Applications with Binary Files Using GridFS 1 and 2
- Driver v1.11 install tutorial
- Getting started with GridFS driver v2
- cursor with filter
using (var cursor = await FsFiles.FindAsync(filter)) { while (cursor.MoveNext()) { foreach (var bsonDoc in cursor.Current) { // bsonDoc.DoSomething(); } } }