
  • 2010, Freeman & Pryce, Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests
  • 2002, Test Driven Development By Example, Kent Beck, Three Rivers Institute
    • One Drive
  • mocking with moq
    • samples One Drive
    • slides One Drive

Properties of a good unit test

properties of a good unit test
atomic should target a small piece of functionality, hard to maintain otherwise
deterministic pass or fail, never inconclusive
repeatable consistent with dependent objects changing, time passing and between runs
order independent & isolated should not run be forced to run in a specific order, other tests or dependencies should not prevent test passing
fast order of ms
easy to setup should not be cumbersome


  • NUnit
  • xunit
  • FluentAssertions docs
  • Integration testing in ASP.NET Core with Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost
  • EF in memory providers
    • DbSetExtensionMethods
    • InMemoryProviders
    • EFCore in memory provider. The InMemory provider is missing from EF though.
    • How to mock a db context / set?

      var mediatorHandler = Substitute.For<IMediatorHandler>();
      MyContext context = Substitute.For<MyContext>(mediatorHandler);
      var stubbedEntities = new List<TEntityIAmInterestedIn> { /* do populate here */ };
      var set = Substitute.For<
      // further on, you might test your EF repository queries using your custom configured data stubs.


  • coverage
    • VS 2017 free coverage
    • vs 2017 integrated coverage
    • OpenCover

      # run tests for framework and platform
      dotnet test --no-build -v diag -o ./bin/x86/Release/
      dotnet test --framework netcoreapp1.1 --runtime win10-x86
      # new test project with enable pack
      dotnet new xunit -p -lang c#
      # list available project types
      dotnet new -all
      # An open source code coverage tool (branch and sequence point) for all .NET Frameworks 2 and above (including Silverlight). 
      # Also capable of handling 32 and 64 bit processes. Use ReportGenerator 1.9 for best viewing results (also available via Nuget).
      dotnet add package OpenCover --version 4.6.519
    • Integration Testing for ASP.NET Core Applications Feb18